Jriver Crossovers On Mac

Sep 15, 2013 Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for CrossOver Mac Download at Amazon.com. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. JRiver Media Center for Mac. JRiver Media Center is available on Mac (the Apple OSX platform). Download here. Follow development and learn. Hi-Res Music Playback Software Comparison: Page 2. Hi-Res Music Playback Software Comparison: Page 2. While it doesn’t have built-in crossover functions, or the breadth of features of Pure Music or JRiver Media Center (now on both Mac and PC), it does win the sound quality contest.

  1. Jriver Music Player


Magneplanar MMGs, modded with custom-built stands and Peter Gunn's (of Audio Asylum fame) outboard crossover mods; Definitive Technologies Powerfield 1500 Subwoofer.

Emotiva XPA-2 amplifier; Acurus RL-11 preamplifier; Rolls Bellari VP130 tube phono preamp, used interchangeably with Mullard new production, JJ Electronic and Sovtek 12AX7 tubes (depending upon my mood)

Digital: Sony BDPs-780 BluRay/SACD player; Hewlett Packard s5703w computer: Windows 7/64-bit, 500 GB hard drive, 8 GB RAM, 1 TB Seagate external drive for storage, using Foobar 2000 as my music player, via the High Resolution Technologies Music Streamer II+ USB DAC.

Analog: Rega P2 turntable, with RB 250 arm, modded with Michell Technoweight and stub and glass platter upgrade; Ortofon 2M Blue cartridge.

Interconnects: Audioquest Topaz, Blue Jeans Cable LC-1's, Monster 400i's. Speaker cables: Monster M1. USB: DH Labs Silver Sonic.

Bright Star Audio Big Rock turntable base; Tiptoes and various isolation devices; ASC Tube Trap panels; GIK Acoustics bass traps; Custom-built acoustic panels; Target stands; Disc Doctor and LAST record cleaning supplies.

Jriver Music Player

rganize and experience all your media Music, photos, and video YOUR way -- all from a single software program! Connect your PC to your home entertainment hardware and control it all with a remote! Load your music on your iPod while you watch TV! All with one easy-to-use program -- MEDIA CENTER! MEDIA CENTER 11 has a new user interface designed to make it even easier to organize, find and play your digital files, and to connect to hardware devices. Easy-to-use Action Window A graphical way to select commonly used features like burning or tagging or transferring to a handheld. Just select an icon then drag and drop your files to it. Now with quick access to your selected services. More Visualizations Improved internal 2D and 3D visualizations, and support for leading edge visualizations like WhiteCap and the new G-Force 3.0. Make your media part of your digital lifestyle Copy music from MEDIA CENTER to a portable digital audio player or move digital camera photos into MC's powerful image library. Make a CD of music for your car. Record your favorite shows and watch them on your TV. More than one soundcard? Play different music simultaneously in different rooms. MC's Media Server can even stream your music to your PC at work! More skin options than ever From the popular Thunderstorm skin to the new Aruba. Over 400 Mini View skins to choose from. Media Mode buttons Quickly target the media that you want to view. Audio, images, video or documents. Tree View navigation A simplified organization structure provides a cleaner look with links to Library Browser view and any services you have installed.